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Friday 26 September 2008

18th September

I'm in the classroom at the orphanage, marking some work, complete with audience as usual (who knew my day to day life could provoke such interest!). One of the older girls ventured a question.

"Do you have a husband?"

A common question – and my answer varies depending on who's asking! But this time I told the truth. "No, no husband."

The girl thought about this and then asked, finally, with no malice at all "Is it because you are not beautiful enough?"

Yes, honey, that's probably why. Sigh.

I love this country! :o)

1 comment:

gabbo2410 said...

I hope you still check this blog post. I only found it yesterday and am loving reading your posts. My husband and I spent 3 months in Ethiopia in 2008 and 1 month in 2009 (finalising the adoption of our Princess which had been 6 years in the planning) and my strongest dreams are to head back really soon (this time with out Ethiopian Princess who is now 4 - and came from Bahir Dar))
Your post today brought back a funny memory and made me have a good belly laugh.
In a Grade 3 classroom in Addis one little boy put up his hand "Miss, in Australia you teach people to swim, yes?"
Me "Yes I do, at my swim school I teach many children to swim"
Boy "But Miss, how do you teach people to swim when you are so fat"
This too was said without the malice that would be intended if any children in Australia asked the same question and just cracked me up. Laugh, I don't think I stopped for quite a few minutes.
I was about a size 14 (Aus) at the time and made the comment that I didn't mind being told that I was fat, just don't add the 'so' in front of it (especially the way it was said which was more like 'soooo fat').
As I said, I am loving this blog and can't wait to read more, it is inspiring me to go ahead and make plans to get back there sooner :-)